From the “Gundam 00” anime series, the extremely powerful combo of the 00 Gundam and O Raiser makes its grand appearance! This powerful Gundam has been replicated in Master Grade form and features light up gimmicks with its LED that can be used in any of 5 locations! Full load out of weapons including GN-Sword II and GN Sword III with Raiser sword effect parts, GN beam sabers, GN Shield are included. Clean translucent parts are included for all the various GN Condensers located throughout the body. Energy tanks are also included to recreate its appearance in the Gundam 00 movie! Additional LEDs can be purchased to light up remaining areas. LOOK FOR ORIGIN OF SHIPMENT: Only items shipped from within North America are being sold by authorized U.S. retailers. The product box will have a warning label, which is proof that you are purchasing a model kit that is guaranteed and authentically licensed by Bandai, distributed by its sole and authorized distributor (Bluefin Distribution) exclusively for the U.S. market. This product has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets U.S. consumer product safety regulations. The affixed label with the Bluefin Distribution logo also entitles the purchaser to product support assistance. LR41 Batteries x2 sold sedately.
Runner x 23, Dry Decal x1, Foil Sticker x1, Clear sticker x1, LED x1, Instruction Manual x1
No Glue required
Colored Parts, minimal to no paint required
This licensed product is distributed and shipped exclusively by an authorized Bandai retailer within and for the U.S. market
Tested for safety and in compliance with U.S. consumer product safety regulations. Product support assistance provided
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