TOTES WOMEN’S CLEAR BUBBLE UMBRELLA: See and be seen on the rainiest of days, while staying perfectly dry! This totes umbrella provides full protection from wind and rain with an oversized 51-inch clear bubble canopy that allows you to negotiate crowded streets while protecting your hair and makeup from the elements. The transparent dome-shaped canopy won’t obstruct your vision or bump into people passing, and lets your style shine through, making it the perfect rain accessory for weddings, graduation, prom, or everyday city walking. The windproof and waterproof women’s umbrella is shaped to provide maximum rain protection for one adult underneath, and is made to last – a steel shaft and ribs, pinch-proof closure and classic acrylic handle offer effortless ease of use, season after season. Available in a completely clear design or with a range of shades and prints, the strong, lightweight clear bubble umbrella is easy to carry whether it’s up or down, and is guaranteed to complement any outfit! totes was born in a small Ohio town, and it all started with a love for rain. Since 1924, we have been busy creating a whole world of rain products from umbrellas to boots, jackets, hats and bags so others can enjoy it too! We have since developed new products to help our customers stay outside more comfortably and pursue joy in every kind of weather, all year long.
RAINY DAY STYLE: From classy wedding and prom photographs to keeping hair and makeup in place on your way to work, the transparent dome of this fashionable clear umbrella allows your personal style to shine through
CLEAR VISIBILITY: Easily navigate busy city streets without bumps and run-ins. This clear bubble umbrella provides full personal coverage without hindering visibility, so you can see and be seen
WINDPROOF & RAINPROOF: Take on the elements in confidence; our high quality windproof and rainproof adult umbrellas keep you dry and unflustered, whatever the weather throws at you
DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: Our umbrellas are made to last; this clear dome umbrella features a steel shaft with a classic curved handle design, so your umbrella is easy to carry, rain or shine
LOVE EVERY WEATHER: Take on any weather in confidence – totes has you covered. We love the rain, and have spent decades creating umbrellas, boots, hats and bags so you can enjoy it too
MOMMY AND ME: Enjoy rainy days and walking together with our cute family style totes umbrellas – you can now twin with your Mini-me. Available in Dots and Clear colorways. Find bundle options below
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